1. Double oblique device for osteosynthesis of hip (patent applied, Ref. number: 348843-001)
Journal publications
1. Nag P, Chanda S. Biomechanical design prognosis of two extramedullary fixation devices for subtrochanteric femur fracture: a finite element study. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2021;59(2):271-285. doi:10.1007/s11517-020-02306-6
2. Nag P, Borgohain B, Chanda S. Novel Design of Minimal Incision Double Oblique Device for Osteosynthesis (DODO) of Hip: Results of an In-silico Study Based on the Femur Morphometrics of the Northeast (NE) Indian population. Indian J Orthop. 2021;55(Suppl 2):385-394. Published 2021 May 5. doi:10.1007/s43465-021-00408-3
3. Nag, P., Borgohain, B., Ahmed, K. A., Phukan, P., Kumar, N., Borjali, A., Varadarajan, K. M., & Chanda, S. (2022). The Influence of Static Load and Sideways Impact Fall on Extramedullary Bone Plates Used to Treat Intertrochanteric Femoral Fracture: A Preclinical Strength Assessment. Annals of biomedical engineering,
4. Nag P, Chanda S,(2022) A preclinical model of post-surgery secondary bone healing for subtrochanteric femoral fracture based on fuzzy interpretations. PLoS ONE 17(7): e0271061.
Conference publications
1. Nag, P., Chanda, S., Proximal Femoral Locking Plate: The Effect of Interface Conditions on Implant-induced Stress Shielding. 1st IEEE International Student Conference, Bangalore. (2019).
2. Nag, P., Chanda, S., A comparison of Proximal Femoral Locking Plate (PFLP) and Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) based on the effect of stress shielding in subtrochanteric femoral fracture. (2019) Research Conclave, IIT Guwahati. (Poster)
3. Nag, P., Chanda, S., Proximal Femoral Locking Plate (PFLP): in silico assessment of external bone remodelling under static loading. International conference on smart materials for sustainable technology (SMST 2020), 22nd – 25th February, 2020, Goa, India. (Poster)
4. Nag, P., Chanda, S., in silico assessment of bone healing using finite element analysis and fuzzy logics. 26th congress of European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2021), July 11-14, 2021, Politecnico Milano, Italy. (Poster)
5. Nag, P., Borgohain. B., Chanda, S., Double Oblique Device for Osteosynthesis (DODO) of Hip: an indigenous implant for the northeast (NE) population of India. 66th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOACON 2021), December 21-25th, 2021, Goa, India. (Poster)
6. Nag, P., Biomechanical design prognosis and pre-clinical assessment of extramedullary femoral plates. 1st Prime Minister Research Fellow Symposium (PMRF symposium 2022), January 15th, 2022, IIT Delhi, India. (Poster)
7. Nag, P., Kumar, N., Chanda, S., Dynamic impact analysis on implanted femur having intertrochanteric preclinical study to assess implant behaviour on sideways fall, World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2022), 10-14, July, 2022, Taiwan (Oral presentation).
8. Nag, P., Sarkar, S., Chanda, S., A novel design of bone plate for femoral fracture and its viability in two types of femora morphometrics. North East Research Conclave (NERC), IIT Guwahati, Assam, India, May 2022 (Poster).
Conferences attended
Dec 2018 IEEE 1st EMBS International Conference, Bangalore.
Apr 2019 Research Conclave, IIT Guwahati.
Feb 2020 Smart Materials for Sustainable Technology, Goa.
July 2021 26th congress of the European society of biomechanics, Italy
July 2022 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, Taiwan.
Seminar/ Workshop attended
Dec 2017 Gait Training: Neuroplasticity Principles, Biomechanics, and Computational Method. NIT Rourkela.
Jun 2018 Computational Modeling and Simulation in Bioengineering Applications. Dept. of BSBE, IIT Guwahati.
Sept 2018 AO Pre basic Course. NEIGRIHMS, Shillong.
Jan 2020 BIRAC – NBM ‘Medical Device Prototyping’ training programme. IIT Kanpur.
Dec 2020 National Workshop on NEMS/MEMS and Theranostics Devices
Feb 2021 Workshop on Gait analysis, organised by North East Centre for Biological Sciences and Healthcare Engineering
May 2021 A to Z on Medical device development, KIIT TBI, Orissa